Saturday, July 25, 2009

And so begins a new chapter....

My first born just finished almost 2 years of Montessori preschool and is now heading for ::sniff::: KINDERGARTEN!!! We are so lucky to be able to keep her in a Montessori school with NO tuition until the 8th grade! I am so incredibly proud of her accomplishments and how determined and focused she is on her work. I know that Montessori school is really laying the foundation for her so that she LOVE'S what she does and it really and truly shows. She is so damn proud of herself (and Mommy and Mama, too!) Last night we had her summer project bound at Kinko's and she was thrilled about it. It was like we just handed her the moon!! I went through it last night and started crying because I was in AWE of her work. For a 4 year old to be so focused and determined really blows my mind a little. Yesterday was her last day and on Friday's in the summer they have water play. She said, "Mommy, I don't want to put my bathing suit on and play in the water. I really need to finish W, X, Y, and Z of my book because this is my last day." I was stunned!!!!!! So, I stayed with her a little while and she finished her book. I am so proud of you, Shaye!!!!!

The last ever Montessori preschool job

Bound with a clear plastic front and plastic back to protect it:

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

Shaye's summer book project

This was her first ever job (pink tower) and her last job (working on her word book):

First and last preschool Montessori job

Her first day of school (on right) and last day (on left):

First and last day of preschool

The little graduate:

Getting fitted for her preschool graduation

The little graduate

Saying goodbye to her class:

Getting goodbye hugs from her teacher

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mmmmm...oh, yeah....kiss me baby!!!

Patrice Pike performs "Kiss Me Baby" from Pride Wright on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ok, it's settled.

The three most perfect and beautiful and smart girls EVER!!!! I'll have to scan this one later without the ZAZZLE across their faces.

3 of the 4 loves of my life